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  • Hannah Moore

Colorado Divorce FAQs

1. How long do I have to live in Colorado before I can file for divorce?

  • Either party must live in Colorado for at least 91 days before filing the Petition. There is also a mandatory 91 day waiting period before the Court can enter the final divorce decree.

2. Where do I file my divorce case?

  • Your case can be filed in the county where you or the Co-Petitioner/Respondent reside. Either party must live in Colorado for at least 90 days before they can file the Petition. Please see the link for the Courts by County:

3. What documents/forms do I need to file for a divorce?

  • Please select one of the following links depending on whether children are involved or not. You will find instructions, forms and fees involved.

  • If no children are involved: Click Here

  • If children are involved: Click Here

4. What is the Family Support Registry and how can it help me?

  • Pease follow this link for more information: Family Support Registry (FSR)

5. How long do my children have to live in Colorado?

  • Children must live in Colorado for a minimum of six months prior to the filing date of any paperwork or since birth if under six months of age. If the time requirement is not met when filing, issues concerning the children cannot be addressed as part of a dissolution/separation case.

6. How do I get a copy of my divorce decree?

  • Please contact the court where the initial decree was entered.

7. I have filed the petition to get a divorce, but I have changed my mind. How do I put a stop to it?

  • If you change your mind after the Petition is filed in your dissolution or legal separation, you may notify the Court as soon as possible and file a Stipulated Motion to Dismiss (JDF1305).

10. What is an Initial Status Conference (ISC)?

  • It is a meeting with the judge, the lawyers (or unrepresented parties) to determine how the case is going. At the status conference, the judge may ask about whether and how the involved parties have tried to settle the case. Typically, the court requires parties to file paperwork prior to the conference answering questions about the issues they wish to be discussed.

Book your initial consultation

Our experienced family law attorneys are available for a complimentary initial consultation. Give us a call at 719-633-4541, or book your consultation online here.


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